
Join carers and other health and social care professionals as we seek to connect, pray and encourage each other.

We are looking forward to a variety of events this year with wonderful guest speakers, interesting and relevant topics for carers today, and a time of resourcing and refreshment.

Keep an eye out as we add more events throughout the year! 

And please do get in touch if you have ideas or topics you would like us to cover. We look forward to seeing you!

Public Events

End of Life Care Training

Caring for individuals as they approach the end of their life is a privilege. Being in someone’s final moments, ensuring that they are comfortable and cared for with compassion is a unique responsibility.

Lucy Honeysett, Lead Coordinator of Christians in Care, has over 16 years experience of working as a hospice nurse, and is passionate about good end of life care and uplifting and encouraging carers across the profession. She will be running interactive online training on end of life care with a certificate that will be available on completion.

If you have any questions, please email:

Please join one of the following training days by booking below:

Feedback from our training days

It was a really great day ! I am very grateful for the opportunity.

Thank you again for a fabulous informative day.

I’ve learnt so much and hope I can, going forward, improve how I communicate with patients and relatives. To be involved in an interactive zoom call with break out rooms was fabulous.

You did such a fantastic job making us all feel very welcome on the zoom session.

Great session, really thoughtful and appreciated.

The session was presented in a caring and sensitive way and reflected the presenter’s knowledge and experience in this field while integrating Christian beliefs and values appropriately.

I feel the course was very interesting and informative, I will definitely be recommending it to others.

Monthly Support for Carers

Don’t forget…

We have regular monthly Zoom meet-ups for those registered with Christians in Care. These meetings are a safe space to share encouragement and prayer for one another if you are a Christian working in the care sector.

  • First Tuesday of the month at 9.30am and 8pm for frontline carers

  • Fourth Tuesday of the month at 2pm for leaders and supporters

Click here to register with Christians in Care. We will send you the Zoom details!

Events for Christians in Care Members

Tuesday 1 April 2025 - 9:30am

A talk from the Care Workers’ Charity with Neil Flack

We will be joined by Neil Flack, the National Accounts Manager for The Care Workers’ Charity (CWC), at our monthly morning carers meeting to discuss the work of the CWC and how they can support you in your role as carers.

The mission of the CWC is ‘to advance the financial, professional and mental wellbeing of social care workers by making grants, signposting to resources and providing access to services.’ You can find out more about the CWC by visiting their website:

Tuesday 6 May 2025 - 9:30am and 8pm

Kerry Stillman works for Pioneers UK, a charity aiming to reach forgotten peoples.  Kerry helps run an evangelism course called Culture Bridge. She will join us on 6th May 9.30am and 8pm to share more about her work, the course and will share encouraging stories of people shining bright for Jesus. 

The Culture Bridge course is aimed at Diaspora Christians seeking to gain a better understanding of British culture, enabling more effective intercultural relationships and cross-cultural evangelism among their British neighbours. It may help carers who have joined the UK from overseas settle and be equipped to share the love of Christ with colleagues, friends and neighbours. 


Pioneers UK with Kerry Stillman

Events for Health and Social Care Professionals

  • Monthly Prayer for the Health & Social Care Sector

    Join professionals working across the health and social care sector for a time of prayer once a month.

    Zoom link details HERE.

Saline Solution (Christian Medical Fellowship)

Available in-person or online and on selected dates (see below)

Every Christian health professional has a unique opportunity to improve their patients’ physical and spiritual health but many feel frustrated by the challenge of integrating faith and practice within time constraints and legal obligations.

Saline Solution is a day course designed to help Christian healthcare professionals bring Christ and his good news into their work.

This practical and interactive course will include a mix of teaching and small group discussion, with opportunities to pray for one another.

Cost: There is a cost for both the in-person and online course which can be viewed when you click to book.

For course dates and times, please visit:

Further information about Saline Solution can be found here: Saline Solution