End Modern Slavery

Modern slavery is a very real issue in the care sector. Almost one in five potential victims of modern slavery work within the care sector and numbers are expected to rise. Whether they be in the care sector, hand car washes, nail salons or the sex trade, vulnerable people are forced to work for little or no pay, with limited freedom and poor living conditions.

What can Christians do about modern slavery today? How can we be alert to the signs of it? How can we stand up and care for the most vulnerable? What should we be encouraging our government to do?

Peter Killingley who works for CARE and a Carolyn Thom from Their Voice joined Lucy Honeysett from Christians in Care for an online event about Modern Slavery in the care sector. It was a very informative time learning about the real, heart-breaking challenges facing so many today, and some practical ways to make a difference.

Download the PowerPoint slide from the event here.

Watch the full video of the talk on our YouTube Channel.

Care Workers

If you have experienced any of the following, please contact the UK Modern Slavery and Exploitation Helpline: 08000 121700

  • Are not allowed to have your identification documents

  • Are not allowed to leave your accommodation or place of work freely

  • Have been deceived with regards to visa fees and being forced to pay back large amounts of money to pay for visa and travel costs

  • Have been promised hours that never materialised

  • Have to pay extra charges to others in order to keep your job and/or accommodation

  • Live in accommodation that is cold, damp, unclean and poorly equipped

  • Are working longer hours than you expected

  • Don’t have adequate breaks and days off

  • Are not getting the pay you were expecting

  • Receive pay that doesn’t cover all your costs and needs

  • Don’t feel safe

  • Have experienced violent or verbal threats

  • Are feeling isolated, lonely or scared

    Care Home Providers

    (receiving care at home or visiting a care home and have concerns)

If you are concerned about a care worker who is working for you or have concerns about a staff member in a care home who is:

  • Frightened and anxious

  • Not in good health

  • Poorly dressed and is not taking good care of themselves

  • Not managing some of the tasks very well

  • Looking tired and weary most of the time

  • Lacking in confidence and appears withdrawn around others

  • Paying extortionate fees for their visa and associated costs

  • Reluctant to talk to you

    If you agree with the above statements, it is highly likely this care worker has been caught up in Modern Slavery and is in debt to a criminal gang.

    Please contact as soon as possible:

    1. The designated safeguarding officer of the care home

    2. Your local police station or 999

    3. The Modern Slavery Helpline: 08000 121700

    4. Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA): 0800 432 0804