End of Life Care

End of Life Care Training

Caring for individuals as they approach the end of their life is a privilege. Being in someone’s final moments, ensuring that they are comfortable and cared for with compassion is a unique responsibility. We know how important it is to feel equipped to care well in these sensitive situations. At Christians in Care, we can offer refresher training on end of life care to support you in your role.

Lucy Honeysett, Lead Coordinator of Christians in Care, has over 16 years experience of working as a hospice nurse, and is passionate about good end of life care and uplifting and encouraging carers across the profession. She will be running interactive online training on end of life care with a certificate that will be available on completion.

Assisted Suicide

We are deeply concerned about the possibility of assisted suicide being legalised in the UK. Our Duty of Care joined Christians in Care for an online event about assisted suicide. It was an incredibly moving and informative time. If you missed it, you can now catch up below.

Download the slides from the event here.

Watch the talk on our YouTube channel:

Further information

  • CARE - Christian Action, Research and Education

  • Our Duty of Care - a group of healthcare professionals opposing the intentional killing of patients by assisted suicide or euthanasia.

  • Care Not Killing - Promoting palliative care, opposing euthanasia.